Volunteer Time Reports Requested

Volunteer Time Reports Requested by December 20th

By Margaret Snell

Year's end is quickly approaching, and it’s time to tally up the hours you’ve worked for the chapter during 2018.


December 20 is the deadline for reporting those hours. Any hours reported after that will be rolled over into next year’s tally. Email your total volunteer hours to Margaret Snell at volunteer-time@lists.eastsideaudubon.org.

A record of your volunteer time is very important to Eastside Audubon. We provide those hours to funding organizations to show how much work our members contribute to the chapter.

Simply record the total hours you’ve worked this year by category of effort, such as “Membership” or “Publicity.” No need to be specific about dates.

Please report only those hours that aren’t recorded on the volunteer sign-in sheet for an activity. Organizers already will have reported your hours for activities that had sign-in sheets. Examples include office staffing and Marymoor work parties. If you’ll be working on this year’s holiday gift wrap, the leaders will report those hours.

The board is very grateful that Margaret has agreed to compile all volunteer hours again this year. We appreciate the time all volunteers donate to the chapter.

Call for Volunteer Hours - Mick Thompson Photo Credit.png