Board Report

Board Report

By Jan McGruder

This is my last report as your Board President. It has been a fun and busy four years and I thank all of you for the opportunity to serve as your leader. You put your trust in me to bring the chapter through a challenging time. My goal when taking this “job” was to grow the Board and put the chapter on a path to sustainability. I think I’ve accomplished what I’ve set out to do and can now step down with confidence that others will carry on our mission, and do it in their own way. I will be staying on the Board as the Volunteer Coordinator. You know what that means – you’ll be hearing from me often. The chapter has many opportunities for which we need volunteers so I’ll be asking a lot from you. And we’ll also be asking our volunteers to give us feedback. How are we doing? What can we do better?

Again – thank you for a fun four years. It’s been a great ride.

Photo by Tyler Hartje

Photo by Tyler Hartje