April President's Letter

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President’s Letter

By Lori Danielson

I’m very happy that winter is in the rearview mirror now. Our prolonged snowy period disrupted quite a few plans, including causing us to cancel our February program night with guest speaker David Moskowitz. We plan to reschedule with him for a date in the future.

In March, I was excited to learn that the chapter’s habitat restoration work at the BirdLoop in Marymoor Park is being awarded recognition by King County in the form of a Green Globe Award for leadership in community stewardship. I’m very proud of our volunteer leaders who have dedicated several years to improving bird habitat in the park. They coordinate the work of many volunteers on the first Saturday of each month to weed, mulch, plant and prune. Those leaders are Glenn Eades, Tim McGruder, Natasha Kacoroski, and Jeremy Lucas. They embody our mission statement of enhancing natural ecosystems and our community for the benefit of birds, wildlife and people, and I really appreciate all of their work.

The arrival of spring and warmer weather might have you thinking of new growth and heading outside. If so, I hope you’ll consider signing up for our Birding 101 class by Thomas Bancroft, being offered starting April 23rd. It includes four evening sessions and nearby field trips in which you can practice your new skills. Sign up soon because the seats in class will likely fill quickly.

Finally, May is just around the corner, bringing two important events: our Spring Native Plant Sale and Birdathon. Look for the article in this issue on Birdathon and consider how you can participate in this important chapter fundraiser. Then mark your calendar for our native plant sale on May 4th at 21 Acres in Woodinville. It will be a great opportunity to make your backyard a friendlier place for birds.