President’s Letter: A Hopeful Outlook

Lori Danielson, president of Eastside Audubon Society.

President’s Letter: A Hopeful Outlook  

By Lori Danielson

As I write this, the number of people with COVID vaccinations is growing across the country, COVID cases are decreasing, and the CDC is relaxing their national masking guidelines. All are signs that make me hopeful that perhaps we’ll soon be emerging from the pandemic to a “new normal” life in which we can meet face to face again. Birding chair Antonio Montañana is working with our birding trip leaders to plan how we can resume bird walks sometime in June. Soon the board will begin discussing how to safely restart in-person meetings. This spring has brought me a new, hopeful outlook for the future.

I was also greatly encouraged by the positive climate and environmental legislation passed in the 2021 Washington legislative session. Adam Maxwell of Audubon Washington summarized the successes this way:

“2021 was a big year for state-level conservation and climate policy. Thanks to the support of Audubon advocates like you, we were able to pass:

  • Clean Fuel Standard (HB 1091)

  • Cap and Invest program (SB 5126)

  • Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act (SB 5141)

  • Updating Washington's shoreline armoring policy (SB 5273)

  • Funding for post-fire sagebrush recovery, smart solar siting in the Columbia Plateau, and a near record-setting state conservation budget.”

Eastside Audubon’s conservation chair Jeremy Lucas was one of the advocates, calling upon a state senator twice to urge passage of key bills. Thanks to Jeremy and all members of the Eastside Audubon community who made their voices heard through op-eds, letters to the editor, emails and calls to legislative offices, attendance at webinars, and meeting with legislators during Environmental Lobby Day and the Seabird Fly-in. 

Finally, I’d like to welcome our new executive director, Amanda León. She brings strong nonprofit knowledge, a joy for working with volunteers, passion for conservation, and a love of birds. I hope you’ll be able to meet her soon.

Thank you all for making a difference for birds and inspiring hope for a better future.