End of Year Letter 2022

End of Year Letter 2022

By Lori Danielson

Dear Friend,

Red-breasted Nuthatch by Mick Thompson

My time as a member of Eastside Audubon has given me a new appreciation of the birds around us. I first joined to simply learn how to better identify them, but I've gained so much more. Birds amaze me with their beauty, their presence in our neighborhoods, parks and natural areas, the long migrations that some make twice a year, and their unique behaviors for finding food and raising young. Birds can teach us so much about the world and our impacts on the environment.

I've also come to realize that it's very important that we share our love of birds with as many other people as possible, whether it's with politicians in order to shape policy that will benefit birds and people, or with those who haven't had the opportunity to experience the joy of birds firsthand. That's why our chapter is starting the effort to make Eastside Audubon activities more welcoming and accessible to people who perhaps haven't previously thought of connecting with Audubon or learning about birds.

During the pandemic our Board worked with a National Audubon Society consultant to learn about implementing concepts of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging to our organization. With that knowledge, we created an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee and Board chair position. Two high school students were added to the Board as youth members. To make our meetings more accessible we’re using closed captioning in our online meetings. We are reaching out to new followers with our new high school social media intern. We’ve partnered with the Snoqualmie Tribe and Youth in Focus to help folks learn about responsible recreation on public and tribal lands. And we hosted our first LGBQTIA+ birding trip at Marymoor Park. We’re planning on making our activities and events welcoming spaces where everyone belongs!

Mandarin Duck by Margaret Larkin

Eastside Audubon has been sharing our passion for birds for 42 years with our friends, neighbors, family, and community. We’re continuing our education programs with local schools, field trips, online classes and program night lectures. Our conservation and advocacy programs build broad support for actions to help bird populations recover and preserve the habitats they need to thrive.

We depend on your support, so please make your annual donation by the end of the year. In 2023 we’re focusing on bringing the joy of birding to all of Eastside Audubon’s empowering education programs, committed advocacy efforts, and expert on-the-ground conservation initiatives. We all belong together to learn about and protect birds and the places they need. Please join us!

With gratitude,

Lori Danielson
Board President

PS. Make a gift to Eastside Audubon before midnight on December 31st to be an advocate for birds. Visit eastsideaudubon.org/donate or mail your donation.