Mick Thompson’s Stunning Photo of American Kestrels Mating Wins the Photo of the Month Award
There’s a saying that “luck comes to those who are prepared.” Nothing could illustrate this better than Mick Thompson’s photo of two American Kestrels mating. The shot was unanimously selected as the Photo of the Month by the Eastside Audubon Society Photography Group in April.
Mick was preparing to take a photo of a female Kestrel when a male swooped in from nowhere at the Canoa Ranch Conservation Park in Green Valley, Arizona in March. The mating lasted a matter of seconds. Mick is known to many Eastside Audubon members for his photo donations to the organization’s website as well the images he has shot for the Bird Note organization. Mick’s photography style is characterized by its artistry as well as technical excellence. He is self-taught and started bird photography in 1986. He started spending a lot of time on bird photography about 12 years ago. “I enjoy being out in the natural world as I try to get nice photos and also seeing them used by Audubon to support the great work they do,” he says. More of his work can be seen on Instagram.
American Kestrel by Mick Thompson.
The photo was taken with an Olympus E-M1X with a 150-400mm with a 1.4x converter. The shutter was 1/4000 of a second, the ISO 1600, and the aperture was set at f/8.0.